space scares me
it doesn't feel safe
where are the airlocks
and the irradiation lasers
some people go outside
extreme parties
they walk in the natural air
even play games
without suits
just in ordinary clothes
I don't know how they can do it
they are so ...
just the thought of the germs makes my skin crawl
i feel sick
i have a sonic wave shower to clean the shudders from my skin
I've heard some people eat dead animals and plants
instead of synthesised food
they say rich people do it all the time
a partner did extra studies
he says once upon a time
people stuck their tongues in each others mouths
he wanted to try it
I am not cracking my body suit for anything
let alone for some male to ...
i can't say it again
it is too disgusting
i told him he was sick
i told him i didn't want to see him anymore
i reported him to the department of social order
it was for the good of the community
who knows what he would have done next
i don't think history studies should be allowed
Scary shit!
you flatter me
i'll have to work on this one day
they did studies and a plume of germs that reaches nearly 15 feet comes up out of your toilet when you flush if you don't close the lid. I knew highly intelligent female executives who wouldn't touch the inside of the bathroom door at work with bare hands. They'd use the paper wipes for after you've washed your hands to open it with.
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