Sunday, October 26, 2008


I was looking through my stuff over the weekend and found a bundle of old papers.

I used to want to write a book when I was young.

As well as being a famous singer, dancer and wonder woman.

(and there was this one phase when my friends and I were pretending to be dating members of the village people - we had a very sheltered upbringing)

Anyway, I had a read through and they are absolutely dreadful.

I figured they would be good for a laugh.

So I've started typing one of them up and will post them here.

Please forgive the typos, punctuation, spelling and content.

I did eventually realise that I am no writer :)

Edit 28/10/08: I was trying to work it out last night and I know this was written well before I left highschool, so I figure I musta writ it around 13 or 14. I had quite obviously only just read the Belgariad and in love with the character 'Silk' :)

1 comment:

Rising from my Ashes said...

This is excellent. All those things you wanted to be, all those dreams and hopes, I guess is being channelled into expressing your consciousness.