Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Anthropological Wizard

One of the other stories that I never wrote was about an Anthropological Wizard who collected specimens, downloaded their memories and then displayed them in static-fields like especially lifelike statues.

The display spells last longer than the wizard by a few millennia.

In the meantime, the displays that survived were worshipped as gods and the belief generated over the course of many generations infuses the frozen people with powers as if they were living avatars.

The story starts when the display shorts out and the small group left have to deal with their new status in an unknown world, haunted by centuries of knowledge gained by osmosis.

I was making one lowly clerk the Goddess of Little Accidents, which encompasses accidental pregnancies, miscarriages, lost keys, bad luck etc.

Though none of the people wanted to offend her, they didn’t want to come near her either. The reject goddess amongst the cooler and prettier gods of war and fertility and agriculture.

I kind of like the idea of the goddess of fertility being a librarian or high powered executive bewildered and uncomfortable with her knew status and embarrassed at the flowers that spring up in her footsteps where ever she goes.

They would automaticially become leader of their various churches/temples.

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